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Expert Interviews


Arun Kumar Mishra - Diretcor, NSGM

Arun Kumar Mishra's Area of Expertise: ICT for Utility/ Utility process turnaround

Q: The Indian government’s vision is to create a modern power system in India that is low-carbon, highly efficient, smart and interconnected, and most importantly provides power to all of its citizens. What in your view, are the main challenges to achieving this vision, and how might they be overcome?

A: The stakeholders capacity and readiness of individual domains (Gen/Tran/Distribution) to move away from established part paradigms towards a better wholesome future. There is no short route, it will need cross-sector dialogue and this event is one such, regulatory hard choices, giving consumer its centricity in all decisions even away from domain eco-system to which decision maker belongs are some of the hard choices. All in all a readiness to move away from established business practices.

Q: What do you see as the main opportunities for your company or organisation as India transitions its power sector?

A: The transition is raison d'etre for NSGMs existence. It’s not an emerging opportunity.

Q: In your particular field what do you see as the major trends over the next 5-10 years?

A: The increasing role of and dependency on Consumers for planning and operating Grid day/week ahead.

Q: What projects or initiatives are you involved in or are aware of that you see as extremely important in developing the power sector in India and why?


  • Smart Meter Rollout
  • The SM will bring in far more granular, accurate and dependable insight into the operation and will enable faster consumer on-boarding

Q: You will be presenting/participating in a panel discussion at POWERGEN India | Indian Utility Week | DISTRIBUTECH India. What insight can you provide on the topics you will be covering and the key learning points?

A: Indian experience and Utility enthusiasm or lack of it towards Smart Metering

Q: Finally, if you could change anything about India’s energy sector, what would it be?


  • Metering at consumer end > Smart Meter
  • The choice to Consumers about source and tariff
  • All infrastructure proposal to have alternate analysis as to at what local DER production scenario it’s not required to be created for the next 3 years
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  • POWERGEN India & Indian Utility Week covers generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of power in their conventional and futuristic formats, in the perspective of environment and economics, shifts in government policies and regulatory framework... It is a “Must Attend” annually for everyone associated and concerned with power and energy
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